A clogged drain is a real hassle, whether it’s in the kitchen or the bathroom. If you want to keep using your plumbing as usual, that clog has got to go. However, you may not want to have harsh chemical drain cleaners in your home. Children and pets may get into them and present a serious hazard. But you may … Read More
Thirsty Tree Roots in Sewers Due to Drought
Tree roots will seek out water and nutrients wherever they can to survive a drought. Roto-Rooter plumbers often see a strong uptick in the number sewers clogged with tree roots during exceptionally dry seasons. Why? Unfortunately, for many homeowners, when trees aren’t getting enough water from regular rainfall, they’ll send feeder roots through the soil looking for moisture and nutrients. … Read More
Pros and Cons of Trenchless Sewage Pipe Replacement
When you are living in a home that is 40 years old or older, there may be a fear in the back of your mind. The older your home, the older its plumbing is, and the older the plumbing is, the sooner the sewer line will have to be replaced. Replacing a sewer line is an expensive and intrusive process, and there’s … Read More
Pumpkin Pulp is the Perfect Material for Clogging Plumbing and Drains
Preparing for Halloween? Here’s one trick to help you ensure that any plumbers that show up on your doorstep are actually costumed kids seeking treats! Halloween is a sticky time for plumbing and drain cleaning companies like Roto-Rooter. Americans carve millions of pumpkins every year, keeping a 19th century tradition alive. Unfortunately, it’s not a tradition that bodes well for some modern … Read More
What You Can Expect From Sewer Line Repairs
Did you know that all of the drains in your home lead to the main sewer line, which runs from your home and connects to a city sewer line or septic tank? The sewer line is the largest drain of your home and is, therefore, very susceptible to clogs. Typical sewer line clogs are caused by a buildup of debris over time. … Read More
Fixing a Clogged Drain is Easier Than You Think
We’ve all been there before, either when taking a shower that feels more like a bath, or using a sink that you can’t fill up too high. Clogged drains are an everyday inconvenience, but fortunately, fixing a clogged drain yourself is usually simple. First, you’ll just need to gather some basic household tools and supplies, and then get to work with your … Read More
Kitchen Sink Smells
Customer Question: We live in Traverse City, Michigan. The kitchen sink, which is the highest trap in our house, is venting a terrible smell into the house. Is this a clogged vent? Can Roto-Rooter of Northern Michigan fix it? Our Answer: It could be a clogged vent or a clogged drain, both will produce the same condition that allows sewer gas to … Read More
Why Dig Up Your Yard?
So you’ve received two estimates from plumbing contractors regarding the broken sewer main under your front yard. It’s leaking sewage and your toilets and sinks are backing up. Not only did they tell you it’s going to cost several thousand dollars to dig up and replace the pipe but the plumbing repair could also kill the two old shade trees when the … Read More
A New Meaning for ‘Snaking a Drain’
From time to time, a homeowner may have an unwelcome guest inside their homes.. However, the issue may not always be as easy as using a sheet of paper to send a spider back out into the world. In fact, you may find a few animals roaming around in your plumbing. This is because they have a number of access points, … Read More
Tree Roots Problematic in the Fall in Northern Michigan
In the fall, roots can return very quickly as the trees are creating more roots in preparation for the winter storage. The real problem is the roots were removed from the inside of the piping, but the tap roots are still in the hubs of the pipes. Snaking a line can only reach the hair-like fibers of the roots in the … Read More